Monday, January 28, 2008

Casa Update 13

Well, It has been a long 2 weeks. Been so busy that I have not been keeping everyone up to date. We finally got the BBQ done and pictures are attached. We ordered a custom made sofa and loveseat almost 3 weeks ago. We had pretty much full reign on what it looks like so if you don't like it don't say anything.

We have settled into a routine of 1 hour of power in the morning and 4-5 hours at night. Seems to work. Would like more but that is all the propane we can afford right now. Regina has been decorating up a storm as I can see from her dust trail ;-) We have the dining room done, bedroom all done except one picture. Got all of the pictures up in the hallway. It is really starting to look like our casa!!

Had a confrontation with HOA on the re-survey they had agreed to do (for free) as the septic tank guys buried a marker with their tank. Forwarded them an email from last year agreeing to do it and they put in our lost lot markers 2 days later. Got the electrical meter box installed the next day. Being polite with people (or being an area supervisor) must work. Been promised the ranch generator early next week. Not coming too soon as our contractor's generator is getting tired. Surprised it has lasted this long.

Need to explain one thing about our subdivision. It has one main long road (actually 2 interleaving) with cul-de-sacs on each side. After block 14, all even blocks are on the left and odd on the right. So when I say that they have been digging power up to block 27, I'm saying that it is only 4 blocks away. We can see the backhoe from the back yard!! They dropped off all of the main electrical vaults for the odd blocks this week and have sprayed a very nice white line all the way up the road.

Another thing. Seems that the Mexican workers like to leave something behind when they leave. Usually, it involves rocks. Picture attached.

Paid our property taxes last week. Online no less. Mexicali government is really getting high tech. Came to a whopping $185 for 2008. BTW, they only tax the land, not what is on it. Way cool!

We had our first full blown meeting with our contractor this week. Had the CS rep, the main supervisor and Abraham himself tour the casa. He was not pleased with what he saw. We are waiting for his response to the major items that we detailed. When we get it I will fill you in on what we asked for.

Well, This morning we went to the swap meet and ordered a 24x24 tile mural for behind the stove. It is a Tuscan scene taken (borrowed?) from a tile that Regina found up in Napa. It will be ready next week. Will take a picture of it then as the tile guy we hired to put it up will be up in the States for the next 2 weeks. When we got back home we got a call from Victor (the sofa guy) that our sofa and loveseat were done (stapling heard in the background). Regina took the truck and headed (mild term) for town leaving me to wait for the propane guy. She got back after noon with them lashed to the back. Have a picture of that too. We got them into the house, after an aborted attempt thru the front door, via the patio French doors. We have them close to where they will reside, we think, but always subject to change. Photos also attached.

Well, it is now Sunday morning and this letter still sits here. We waited all day yesterday for the propane guy. Never came. Now we have 1 day of propane to last 2 days. As most of you know, LA got a drenching last night. Well, so did we! Sort of. We had a gentle rain that started right at dark and lasted till after we went to bed. This was the first rain for us in the casa. Soothing sound. Didn't figure that you would be able to hear the rain hit the concrete roof but you can and is sounded great. Cloudy this morning so we can't look for leaks. Maybe spotted one in the hallway but it is too dark to see for sure. Be skimping on power today so I have broken out the Battery backup unit. Gives us about 10 hours of music from the boom box or about 4 hours of internet connection. Glad the laptops take only about 2 hours to charge up.

Well, we did find time and our monster flashlight to find 2 leaks and a possible 2 more. Not bad, I even figured out where the worst was coming from and about 2 Gal of concrete will fix that (remember that water runs downhill?).

I have included a picture of our nearest neighbors also. They live about 15 feet off the back porch. Think they will be moving out before it gets hot.

As I think you can tell it is now Monday. We had 2 propane guys show up today. The one who was supposed to be here Saturday and the one I signed up for today.

I have the monthly supervisor's meeting to go to tomorrow (Yes this email will be sent today) and we are planning a trip to the States on Wednesday. Our must have list is getting really long.


Larry and Regina

P.S. Regina's camera will take QuickTime movies. When we get that figured out, we will give everybody a quick ;-) casa tour.

P.P.S. I have just finished my first book in Baja!! Walter Cronkite's autobiography. Very good reading. I never knew how much stuff he did in his lifetime.
