Friday, February 8, 2008

Casa Update 14


It has been another interesting week. We got the ranch generator on Wednesday while we were in El Centro. It was sitting next to the old one when we got back. Called our contractor and let them know. They wanted to come the next day and get theirs. I told them that I still had 3 days of propane left and would like to use it. They said OK and would come on Saturday. Well, they only work ½ day on Saturday so at 11:50 I called to see when they are coming. They said Monday. I told them that we did not have enough propane to last till Monday. So, the compromise was to send the electricians to hook up the new generator and they would get the old one on Monday. Well, at about 12:30 the electricians show up. Very long story, but with the help of an electrical engineer (me) they got it hooked up. We went on gasoline that night.

We have been invited to a long standing Thursday night social. It rotates between hosts weekly. We have been to two so far, great group. It does not substitute for our old Friday night Happy Hours but it will do.

We had Margaret and Danny up to see our progress later that day. While we were showing off the house, a Caballero rode up to the front of the house. I saw him first and went out to see what was up. He was just sitting there on his horse looking at the house. He spoke no English. Thank God Danny did. They hit it right off and come to find out; he was taking the horse to get a new shoe and could not find his friend. Turns out that he owns Mike’s Sky Rancho (look it up on the internet). We (Danny) chatted for a while I loaned him my cell phone to call his friend and Regina gave him a bottle of water and he was off.

Sunday was supposed to be a Super Bowl party but our host ended up not feeling well so we planned on just watching the last ½ at home. Got an unexpected visit from another 2 friends that we met and 2 hours later, we ended up watching the last ¼. Well worth it though.

Well. We were running out of both water and house propane and planned on getting it all on Monday. Went down and signed up for both Monday morning. Well, the water guy calls back and says he cannot come till Tuesday and we agree on that. At the end of the day we still had no propane. Regina went out to get the mail and finds out that it is a national holiday. So, we honker down on Tuesday and wait for water and propane. At this time propane tank is down to 15%. Water guy shows up at 9:30, the propane guy never shows up. Soooo, I go down on Wednesday and sign up again. Finally at 4:00 he shows up while the ranch guys are changing the oil in the generator. There is never a dull moment in Baja.

One thing that needs mentioning again is that our address for packages will not let us know when one arrives. We have to know that you have sent us something. A Christmas package sat there till 17 January and if I had not seen the name on it, it would still be sitting there. Address it to "Lawrence Williams&YET Mail" only.

I have enclosed a few pictures from the past week. We are going to be checking out accommodations for the up coming House Blessing. There are at least 2 places that we will recommend on this side of town, and that’s where you will want to be. It could be that there will be left over spring breakers, but we don’t think any of the younger folk will want to stay this far north. We will see what is available and try to hold some rooms. Margaret told me today (she owns a condo at La Vantana Del Mar) that she will offer her 2 guest bedrooms for the upcoming event. As soon as you all know what your plans are let us know ASAP. Things are getting busy here in this little town this spring, and we don’t want anybody who wants to come down to see us not to be disappointed because there is not a place to stay. I will remind Rev Jeanne next week to put the announcement in the Epistle, and the up coming service sheets. We want as many of our friends to come as can, but we need to know how many very soon.


Larry and Regina

P.S. We need a plumbing opinion and have a picture of our plumbing under the kitchen sinks. If you know plumbing or know some who does, I will send you the picture separately if you let me know.
